Bid submitted, time to relax? No!

You need to close the deal, so preparation is essential
Here is what I do once the bid is in....

Bidding is selling
And the bit of sales that people miss?
Asking for the order, and closing the deal
I wrote about this over 2 years ago
The link is here

What happens after you submit?
Clarification questions will be asked
Quick response is essential
You may be asked to submit a Best and Final
Following engagement

But prepare to set out our offer, concisely
In a presentation
Use you win themes again
Keep updating your intelligence with Capture efforts
Practice the messaging
Get the team to work up what you need to say
It is a big effort to get this right
Do not underestimate the time it will take
So start as soon as the bid is in

Next prepare you Negotiation strategy
Go for face-to-face meetings if you can
People DO buy from people
Set out any red lines you may have
Be prepared for how to offer more value
Is your only tactic to reduce price (and margin)?
Or can you maintain margin by doing something else?
What are your competition likely to do?
Arm your team with a negotiation strategy to win

The announcement of the Preferred Bidder or Winner
The day when my heart races, and I can't sit still
I go through what we have done
I question what else we could have done
My process usually says we have done everything we could
And the message comes in

Win and there is a "shed load" or work to do
Lose and you feel like moving on
BUT find out why you lost
Oh! and if you did Win - Find out why you won
Feedback helps you improve future bids
Build on the good and remove the less good

Mobilisation can start before the contract is signed
Get your plan into action
First impressions count
You do not get a second go at mobilising
Engage with the customer as soon as possible
You need to build the relationships
You need to build trust
The bid team knowledge and understanding is essential
You need to do what you have said
Not something entirely different, unsettling the customer

And Finally
Feedback, I mentioned it earlier
Win or Lose it is essential to get the customer's view
Did they like your plans?
Did you explain the methods clearly?
What did they like?
It all goes into continuous improvement
And adds to your likelihood of winning future bids!

I'm Rob Dustan, Bid Expert.
With my help, you can win more bids than ever!

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