How do you write a winning bid?

Capture & Planning selected a winnable bid
Here, tasks to take you to submission

Earlier posts on Capture & Preparation
Moved through Strategy to Opportunity to Bid
Decisions made to pursue the bid
Strategy & Planning, done
But we haven't written a word yet!

And before writing starts
One last bit of planning

It brings the response together
A plan of what you are going to write by
Setting out questions
Allocate lead authors
Include scoring & restrictions on length
Highlight evidence needed
Link to requirements & outcomes
Include assumptions, dependencies & exclusions
Show how you will be compliant
Help the author by showing accompanying documents
Set out customer pain points
Bring out your strengths; mitigate weaknesses
Note competitor weaknesses
Walk through "How we will win"
Weave in Win Themes
Select relevant hot buttons & messages
Highlight supporting information, case studies, evidence
Map the structure of the response
Include context, processes to use
Requirements met, outcomes achieved
Benefits to the customer

Then when you thought you had checked enough
To be ready to write

Run a Pink Team Review of the Storyboards
Are we still in a winning position?
Do we answer the questions?
Minimise risk?
Have a compelling Value Proposition?


Follow the plan
Develop responses
This should be relatively easy
As long as your solution was ready
If not be clear what needs to be ready and when

Do you fully understand the customer documents
If you have clarification questions...ASK!
Yes there are tactics to play here
What do you expose in order not to help the competition

As you progress include evidence to prove your experience
It makes the evaluator feel your response is real and deliverable
Different ways to provide
But make sure it is clear

The quality/technical response must reflect the commercial
Make sure the contractual and financial solutions
Include everything
For instance, agreed KPIs?
Make sure technical reporting reflects them
Check ALL costs have been gathered
Any gaps? State assumptions or exclusions

When you have an integrated response
All elements are complete

Now Red Team Review
Use knowledgeable people, non-bid team
Be harsh, this is probably your last chance to make sure you win!
Make any changes

And just before production

Gold Team, one last sift
For consistency, spelling and layout

Final approvals achieved
And now you can SUBMIT!

Good luck but really with all the preparation and structure
You should win this winnable bid.

I'm Rob Dustan, Bid Expert.
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