What do you need to do to win bids?

What do you need to do to win bids?

Be the best in evaluation. Prepare in advance.

And this is where you should start...

I am often asked to help in bids that have just been published
Client documentation has arrived
My customer may lack resource
They may want access to my experience
But before I engage, I ask
When did you start tracking this opportunity?
What engagement have you had?
Why did you pick this one?

I am trying to get to whether it is a planned bid
Or a knee jerk reaction because someone saw it

Delving deeper into my Bid Process diagram
This is my view of the Capture phase
Where Strategy meets Business Development
And opportunity types are defined

Opportunity identification is based on your strategy
What are you aiming to achieve?
Does this align with your capabilities?

Pipeline is the filter applied to opportunities
Ones that fit best with your business strategy and capabilities
Opportunities where you can engage with the customer
Ones that you are confident you can win

Capture involves building customer insight
What are their requirements and pain points?
Can you solve them?
What benefits will they experience?
Are they a customer you could work with?

Insight and Profile uses knowledge to raise your Profile
Moving you from Unknown to Known to Understood to Preferred
This takes time and is seldom done when the opportunity is published

And before you launch into the bid
You MUST qualify the bid
Don't say "Yes" because you have put in a lot of work or time
Don't say "Yes" because you saw it recently and thought it was good
Don't say "Yes" because your team is not busy

This is an investment
Treat it like one with a rigorous "Bid, No Bid" review
Tell attendees NOT that you could win
BUT Why you WILL win!

If you are not able to commit to this, withdraw
Spend your money wisely
Coming second in a bid is the most expensive exercise in going to work

And if you decide to pursue the bid
Be ready to spend money, budget realistically
Commit resource, don't add it to the day job
If you are bidding the opportunity, commit to it
A half hearted, under resourced, cheap bid will show
And the evaluator will mark it as such!

I'm Rob Dustan, Bid Expert.
With my help, you can win more bid than ever!

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